Prabhash Joshi
Born: July15, 1936 /Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India
Age: 73yrs +
Died: Nov5, 2009
Occupation: Journalist, Editor
Religious belief: Hindu
Eminent Indian Journalist Prabhash Joshi (July15, 1936 to Nov5, 2009 /Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India) has died after suffering from a heart attack Delhi at the age of 73. He was also a well known writer, TV commentator and political analyst.
He was admitted to a private hospital after the complained of chest pain at 11.30 pm. Where doctor’s declared him dead hospital, officials said.
He is survived by his wife Usha Joshi, two sons (Sandeep & Sopan), daughter Sonal and mother Leela Bai. His son Sopan Joshi is the managing editor of the “Down to Earth” magazine.
Mr. Joshi who began his career with “Navi Duniya” was the founder and editor of leading Hindi daily “Jansatta” in 1983. As its editor’s for 12yrs. Jansatta a publication of the Indian Express Group. Joshi a Gandhian who changed the concept of Hindi journalism with the publication of daily Jansatta. Also he ntroduced new styles of writing both in political and sports fields.
He was famous for his writing on cricket. His Sunday column for Jansatta entitled “Kagad-kare” over the last many years were eagerly awaited by readers. Recently, he launched a weekly column “Aughat-Ghat” in Tehelka Hindi. He was also a popular for TV commentaries on the proceedings of parliament & State legislatures. Journalism as he served the Indian Express as Resident Editor at Ahmedabad, Chandigarh & Delhi.
After retiring from the newspaper in 1995, he continued as the chief editorial advisor. He was also a lover of music and arts, in particular the folk music of the Malwa region of Madhya Pradesh. "Joshi has led the struggle against repression of press freedom during the Emergency. He always believed that freedom of the press was not only for journalists and editors, but it was a right enjoyed by the citizen. Hence he was always insistent that journalists should use press freedom only on behalf of the people, and not on behalf of any vested interest," the statement added.
'Prabhashji was not only a prolific writer, he was a brilliant orator who spoke with frankness, and a ready sense of humour. His persistent support for transparency and ethics as the backbone of democracy. He also played a very important role in drafting the RTI legislation,' it added.
“His family has taken the body by a chartered plane to Indore, Madhya Pradesh. They will travel to his native place Badwaha, 100Km. away from Indore, where the cremation will take place Saturday afternoon” a family friend said.
Valuable opinions about Joshi:-
Union Minister for Information and Broadcasting Ambika Soni : expressed grief on the demise of Joshi. "The journalistic fraternity has lost a multi-faceted personality in the demise of Mr Joshi," Ms Soni said, recounting his career as a noted columnist, political analyst and a popular television commentator in his later years.
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh Said: Mr. Joshi as a man of extraordinary intellectual courage and professional integrity, his demise was a great loss to Indian journalism.“He acquired an iconic status as the founder-editor of Jansatta. A whole generation of journalists drew inspiration from him, especially in questioning the current orthodoxy. In his later years, Shri Joshi worked tirelessly to give voice to the concerns and anxieties of the voiceless and marginalised. Indian journalism will be so much the poorer for his death.”
The former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee said :Mr. Joshi belonged to that generation of journalists, which was connected to the aam admi, and one could see the real India through his writings.
Lok Sabha Speaker Meira Kumar said: “in Shri Joshi’s passing away, the country has lost a well-known journalist, writer and political analyst, who worked tirelessly for promoting and preserving the essential virtue of freedom of the press. His exemplary contribution in the field of journalism, especially Indian media, was instrumental in strengthening the edifice of our democracy. Shri Joshi will be remembered as an icon of Indian journalism in times to come.”
Congress general secretary and chairperson of the AICC media cell Janardhan Dwivedi said: Mr. Joshi thinker and was a fearless forthright orator.
The Editors Guild of India said: Mr. Joshi was its active member and strove hard all through his career to uphold the freedom of the press and towards perfecting professional standards.
Guild president Rajdeep Sardesai and secretary-general K.S. Sachidananda Murthy:Recalled that Mr. Joshi always believed that press freedom was not only for journalists and editors but was a right to be enjoyed by the common citizen.
Lok Jan Shakti Party president Ram Vilas Paswan said : Mr. Joshi’s thought-provoking writings would be long remembered.
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