November 23, 2009
November 22, 2009
Eminent Journalsit Prabhash Joshi dies at 73

Prabhash Joshi
Born: July15, 1936 /Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India
Age: 73yrs +
Died: Nov5, 2009
Occupation: Journalist, Editor
Religious belief: Hindu
Eminent Indian Journalist Prabhash Joshi (July15, 1936 to Nov5, 2009 /Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India) has died after suffering from a heart attack Delhi at the age of 73. He was also a well known writer, TV commentator and political analyst.
He was admitted to a private hospital after the complained of chest pain at 11.30 pm. Where doctor’s declared him dead hospital, officials said.
He is survived by his wife Usha Joshi, two sons (Sandeep & Sopan), daughter Sonal and mother Leela Bai. His son Sopan Joshi is the managing editor of the “Down to Earth” magazine.
Mr. Joshi who began his career with “Navi Duniya” was the founder and editor of leading Hindi daily “Jansatta” in 1983. As its editor’s for 12yrs. Jansatta a publication of the Indian Express Group. Joshi a Gandhian who changed the concept of Hindi journalism with the publication of daily Jansatta. Also he ntroduced new styles of writing both in political and sports fields.
He was famous for his writing on cricket. His Sunday column for Jansatta entitled “Kagad-kare” over the last many years were eagerly awaited by readers. Recently, he launched a weekly column “Aughat-Ghat” in Tehelka Hindi. He was also a popular for TV commentaries on the proceedings of parliament & State legislatures. Journalism as he served the Indian Express as Resident Editor at Ahmedabad, Chandigarh & Delhi.
After retiring from the newspaper in 1995, he continued as the chief editorial advisor. He was also a lover of music and arts, in particular the folk music of the Malwa region of Madhya Pradesh. "Joshi has led the struggle against repression of press freedom during the Emergency. He always believed that freedom of the press was not only for journalists and editors, but it was a right enjoyed by the citizen. Hence he was always insistent that journalists should use press freedom only on behalf of the people, and not on behalf of any vested interest," the statement added.
'Prabhashji was not only a prolific writer, he was a brilliant orator who spoke with frankness, and a ready sense of humour. His persistent support for transparency and ethics as the backbone of democracy. He also played a very important role in drafting the RTI legislation,' it added.
“His family has taken the body by a chartered plane to Indore, Madhya Pradesh. They will travel to his native place Badwaha, 100Km. away from Indore, where the cremation will take place Saturday afternoon” a family friend said.
Valuable opinions about Joshi:-
Union Minister for Information and Broadcasting Ambika Soni : expressed grief on the demise of Joshi. "The journalistic fraternity has lost a multi-faceted personality in the demise of Mr Joshi," Ms Soni said, recounting his career as a noted columnist, political analyst and a popular television commentator in his later years.
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh Said: Mr. Joshi as a man of extraordinary intellectual courage and professional integrity, his demise was a great loss to Indian journalism.“He acquired an iconic status as the founder-editor of Jansatta. A whole generation of journalists drew inspiration from him, especially in questioning the current orthodoxy. In his later years, Shri Joshi worked tirelessly to give voice to the concerns and anxieties of the voiceless and marginalised. Indian journalism will be so much the poorer for his death.”
The former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee said :Mr. Joshi belonged to that generation of journalists, which was connected to the aam admi, and one could see the real India through his writings.
Lok Sabha Speaker Meira Kumar said: “in Shri Joshi’s passing away, the country has lost a well-known journalist, writer and political analyst, who worked tirelessly for promoting and preserving the essential virtue of freedom of the press. His exemplary contribution in the field of journalism, especially Indian media, was instrumental in strengthening the edifice of our democracy. Shri Joshi will be remembered as an icon of Indian journalism in times to come.”
Congress general secretary and chairperson of the AICC media cell Janardhan Dwivedi said: Mr. Joshi thinker and was a fearless forthright orator.
The Editors Guild of India said: Mr. Joshi was its active member and strove hard all through his career to uphold the freedom of the press and towards perfecting professional standards.
Guild president Rajdeep Sardesai and secretary-general K.S. Sachidananda Murthy:Recalled that Mr. Joshi always believed that press freedom was not only for journalists and editors but was a right to be enjoyed by the common citizen.
Lok Jan Shakti Party president Ram Vilas Paswan said : Mr. Joshi’s thought-provoking writings would be long remembered.
Communication is a process of transmission of ideas through feelings and a behavior from one person to another. Mis-Communication is also a process of transmission of ideas, thoughts, and knowledge through feelings a behavior from sender to receiver. But at the receiver end the receiver interpret the same theme in another way. And the meaning of the theme completely changes of the senders information.
There are so many types of reasons to Mis-communication which prevent the achievement of the desired results. They are as given below.
Psychological ability:-
Each and everyone has certain thoughts, believes, concepts, ideas & mental sets which hampers the process of communication. For Example: Watching certain Television programs may encourage irresponsible sexual behavior. These causes we have to change our mental ability and behavior.
His/ her environment:- (Noise occur at the time)
At the time of listening or receiving the surrounding is not suitable to understand (listening/receiving). For Example: Telephone receiving at the time of marriage procession.
It is a great factor too. Expression of the thought is known as called Language. It occurs due to the sender and receivers lack of knowledge of the language of communication. Like when the same language is made use of in a different locality. It takes another meaning and colour.
For example:
1. Neighbor: Neeku enta mandi aanayalu? (Telugu) [how many Brother’s you have?(English)]
Ram: My father’s name is Rakesh Sharma.
2. It is difficult for a common person to understand doctor’s prescription.
Lack of instruction:-
If the guidelines/data are Mis interpret or wrong or not suitable to that matter occur Mis-communication.
It comes from their fore fathers.
Lack of Concentration:-
Sender sends the information about some issue, the mode is depend upon the receiver at the time of receiving the message. For Example:
Conversation between a new Student and the Teacher
Teacher: What’s your good name?
Student: sir, my father’s name is Padmalochan.
Lack of Correct information:-
Some one wants to know the affected swine flue area of their locality. The respondent (receiver) answered to him most of the persons of Big Bazaar area affected swine flue. Actually they are suffered in cold fever.
Lack of Commitment:-
A father committed a gift to his son after securing 70% marks in the annual examination. But though the son secured above the 70% his father denied paying his gift. It’s known as called lack of commitment. Here occurs Mis-communication.
Concept of the Receiver:-
A 10th class student expected of his results today. A close neighbor informed him the results will be announced day after tomorrow. Here also occur.
Cultures provide the people with ways of thinking, seeing, hearing and interpreting the world. Thus the same words can mean different things to people from different cultures, even when they talk the same language. For Example: Maharashtra culture is different from Andhra Pradesh.
Heavy Communication load:-
Communication occurs in a society. Communication increases the chances that the people to know more and more. if it is excess it leads to Mis-communication.
Literacy Level Low:-
What the sender sends the information the receiver not eligible for that kind of data or information. For Example: Complexity of words due to the reason of low literacy level.
Children: Enjoy the Day is Yours.....

Children's Day is a enjoyable day for Children. Internationally Children’s Day celebrated on June 1 and Universally, it is celebrated on November 20. But In India Children’s day celebrated on 14Nov, every year, which is the birth date of India’s first Prime Minister, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, is frequently called “Chacha Nehru” (meaning Uncle Nehru, a term of affection).
It is indeed in childhood that the qualities are manifested in the child personality. the characteristic of personality can noticed right from the early childhood.
Rightly has Wordsworth has expressed the same views when he says; “Child is the father of man”. Childhood is the formative period of a person’s life. The habits developed at this time cast a shadow throughout the life. This makes it all the more important that the negative traits exhibited by a child should not at all be ignored, otherwise they may become a habit and incorrigible later on.
Carl Sandburg has said, “A child is God’s opinion that world should go on”. Every child is special in his own way. So let’s pledge on this day that we would stop child abuse and all forms of exploitation.
According to Sophocles Phaedra:"Children are the anchors that hold a mother to life".
Grown-ups have a strange way of putting themselves in compartments and groups. They build barriers... of religion, caste, colour, party, nation, province, language, customs and of rich and poor. Thus they live in prisons of their own making. Fortunately, children do not know much about these barriers, which separate. They play and work with each other and it is only when they grow up that they begin to learn about these barriers from their elders. I hope you will take a long time in growing up - Jawaharlal Nehru (1949)
Who is He (Jawaharlal Nehru)?
Jawaharlal Nehru was born on 14th Nov, 1889 to Motilal Nehru and his wife Swaroop Rani. From the childhood he was an exceptional, brilliant, and kindhearted who was greatly loved by all. After the early education his father sent him foreign to pursue higher education. He completed his higher education in England at Harrow and Trinity College, Cambridge University. He completed his M.A. from Cambridge University, England. When he returned to India, young Jawaharlal realized that he was not interested in making money through the legal profession. He wanted to help the poor and the downtrodden. He took part in the Freedom Struggle of India and became a follower of Mahatma Gandhi who had just returned from South Africa at that time. When India gained its independence, he became the first Prime Minister of great India.
His great love for roses as well as children is a well-known fact. He started to wear a rose on his jacket after a child pinned one rose on his jacket. In fact he often compared the two, saying that children were like the buds (flowers) in a garden. They should be carefully and lovingly nurtured, as they were the future of the nation and the citizens of tomorrow. He felt that children are the real strength of a country and the very foundation of society. Everyone should keep a careful eye for their development. Most importantly he did not discriminate between the boys and girls and believed in giving equal opportunities to opposite sex. For him children’s were little adults in the making. Nehru’s empathy toward children is well-known, he once said, “Our bounden duty, is to gift the future of India- our children – a country filled with peace and tranquility”. In fact his own little girl grew up to be the third Prime Minister of India.
Naturally, he was the 'beloved' of all the children who gave him the endearing name of 'Chacha Nehru'. As a tribute to this great man and his genuine love for children, his birthday is celebrated all over India as 'UNIVERSAL CHILDREN'S DAY'. It’s the day for fun. It is not only a national holiday, but it is celebrated with singing, dancing and storytelling in schools and colleges as well as on radio and television. Special functions are held to honour children all over the country.
Nehru's contribution to Society:
It can be said that Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru is the maker of Modern India as his life and works have influenced our way of thinking, social structures and all round development and always encouraged technological progress of India. Nehru was not only a great leader, statesman but also a great philosopher and think-tact of all time. He perfectly blended the western scientific thinking with eastern philosophical values. He was also a great poet and writer of his own. His famous works are “Glimpses of World History” and “”Discovery of India. His letters to his daughter, Indira Priyadarshini from the jail reflects his Philosophical outlook, and his Compassion to Children.
One can clearly say that modern society is a blessing of Pundit Jawaharlal Nehru, his aims, his teachings, messages and his contribution whose fruits are still sweetening the development of India.
History (Children’s Day):
The International Children’s Day which initially started in Turkey in April 23, 1920 and later adopted by Geneva during the world conference held in 1925. No one knows why June 1st was chosen as the International Children's Day: But one theory has it, that the Chinese consul-general in San Francisco (USA) gathered a number of Chinese orphans to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival in 1925, which happened to be on June 1 that year, and also coincided with the conference in Geneva.
Children’s Day was first celebrated in Oct 1954, as decided by the UN General Assembly. The idea of Universal Children's Day was mooted by Mr. V.K. Krishna Menon and adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1954. Moazzem and Abass helped and contributed a lot in this. Universal Children's Day takes place on November 20 annually. First proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly in 1954, it was established to encourage all countries to institute a day. Such as:-
v Firstly to promote mutual exchange and understanding among children and.
v Secondly to initiate action to benefit and promote the welfare of the world's children. It was also chosen as the day to celebrate childhood.
November 20 is also the anniversary of the day when the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Declaration of the Rights of the Child in 1959. The Convention on the Rights of the Child was then signed on the same day in 1989, which has since been ratified by 191 states. Children's Day is celebrated on 1 June each year. It is usually marked with speeches on children's rights and wellbeing, children TV programs, parties, various actions involving or dedicated to children, families going out etc.
The main objective of Children’s day was to promote the welfare of children and communal exchange among them in all over the world.
The great Indian Leader Nehru’s Birth day is celebrated all over India as” Children’s Day”. For the children it is special to them fun and happy. It is the day most schools have different cultural programmes.
All over India, various social, cultural, and even corporate, institutions conduct competitions for children. Various competitions like quizzes, fancy dress competitions are organized on this day. Various electronic media have also air special programmes for children to
indicate the day. Children celebrate the day with singing, dancing, playing and storytelling in schools. Also in this day parent and teachers send card to their children’s.
Thus, Children’s Day is special day for the children. It is a day of joy, enjoy and freedom. It is a day set aside to remember Pandit Nehru and his love for children.
Different Countries in Different Days:
In India:
In India Children’s day celebrated on 14Nov, every year, which is the birth date of India’s first Prime Minister, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, is frequently called “Chacha Nehru” (meaning Uncle Nehru, a term of affection). It is indeed in childhood that the qualities are manifested and are exhibited in the child personality. The characteristics of personality can noticed right from the early childhood.
Wordsworth says: “Child is the father of man”. Childhood is the formative period of a person’s life. The habits developed at this time cast a shadow throughout the life. This makes it all the more important that the negative traits exhibited by a child should not at all be ignored, otherwise they may become a habit and incorrigible later on.
Carl Sandburg has said: - “A child is God’s opinion that world should go on”. Every child is special in his own w
ay. So let’s pledge on this day that we would stop child abuse and all forms of exploitation.
All Over the World:-
Albania: Children's Day is celebrated on June 1. .
Argentina: Children's Day is celebrated on the second Sunday of August and it's known as Día del Niño.
Australia: Celebrates Children's Day on the 1st Sunday in July every year. Here Children's Day is a regis
tered trade mark.
Bangladesh: On November 20 the Youth Change Makers (YCM) plans to inform people of Children Day by holding huge children competitions and fashion shows, although it is not be considered as a holiday.
Brazil : In Brazil, Children's Day is celebrated on October 12, coinciding with Our Lady of Aparecida's day, the country's Patron Saint, which is a national holiday.
Bulgaria: Children's day is celebrated on 1st June.
Canada: Children's day is celebrated on November 20.
Central Africa: Children's Day is celebrated on December 25 .( Congo, Congo DR, Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Chad, Central African Republic) .
Chile : Children's Day is celebrated the second Sunday of August in Chile.
China:The People’s Republic of China celebrated Children’s Day on 1stJune every year.
Hong Kong: Children's Day is celebrated on April 4 each year.
Colombia: Children's Day is celebrated in the last weekend of April.
Costa Rica: Children's day is celebrated on September 9.
Cuba:Children's day is celebrated on the third Sunday of July.
Czech Republic: The International Children's Day is celebrated on June 1.
Ecuador: In Ecuador, Children's Day (Día Del Niño) is celebrated on June 1; kids up to 12 years old receive presents from their parents, and schools let them have a special celebration.
Egypt: Celebrates November 20 with festivals and games for children.
El Salvador: Children's Day is celebrated on October 1.Parents play with children in this day.
Former and Current Communist and Socialist countries: In Russia, as well as other former Soviet Union states, including Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, other former or current communist states, Albania, Angola, Benin, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Croatia, Cuba, Czech Republic and Slovakia, Ethiopia and Eritrea, Germany, Laos, Republic of Macedonia, Mongolia, Montenegro, Mozambique, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Tanzania, Yemen, Children's Day is celebrated on June 1.
Germany:Celebrated Children's Day on June 1
Guatemala : Children's Day is celebrated on October 1.
Hungary: In 1931, Children's day started although then it was called Children's Week, but since 1950 it has only been a day, the last Sunday in May. International children's day is celebrated on the first Monday of October.
India: Children's Day is celebrated on November 14 every year.
Indonesia: Children's Day is celebrated on July 23.
Israel: Children's Day is celebrated on October 19.
Japan: The National Children’s Day is known as Kodomo no Hi. It is celebrated on May 5.
Kazakhstan: Children's Day is celebrated on June 1. Also known as the Day of Children's Safety.
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of: North Korean Children's Day is celebrated on June 2 .Before 1945, it was celebrated on May 1, but in 1945, it was changed to its current date.
Korea, Republic of: In South Korea, May 5 is officially recognized as Children's Day. Parents give presents to their children as well as spend time with them. The children are taken on excursions to zoos and museums. It was originally celebrated on May 1st, but was later moved to May 5th. The children's author, Bang Jeong Hwan, was instrumental in creating Children's Day in Korea. He even developed the word meant for "younger" as opposed to "older", into a word meaning "child".
Laos: Children's Day is celebrated on June 1st.
Malaysia: Children's Day is celebrated on the last Saturday of October annually.
Mexico: Children's day is celebrated on April 30. In Mexico it is also known as "El Día Del Niño".
Mongolia: The International Children's Day is celebrated on June 1.
Nigeria: Children's Day is celebrated on May 27 in Nigeria.
Northern Cyprus: Celebrates Children's Day on April 23 to coincide with Turkey's celebration.
Pakistan:Children's Day is celebrated on November 20. There is no holiday on this day but it is observed by NGO working on Child Rights.
Peru: Children's Day is celebrated on August 16 of 2009.
Paraguay: Children's Day is celebrated on August 16,
Poland: Children’s Day (DZien Dziecka, literally “Child’s day”) is celebrated inPoland on June 1.
Portugal and former colonies: In Portugal, and also at some of its former colonies - (Guinea-Bissau, Macau, Cape Verde, East Timor, Angola )
Romania:Children's Day (Romanian: “Ziua Copilului”) is celebrated on June 1.
Russian Federation: Children's Day is celebrated on June 1.
Singapore: October 1 is the day which Singapore officially celebrates Children's Day, a similar event celebrated every year is Youth Day which is celebrated on the first Sunday of July each year. Children in Singapore do not have to attend school on this day.
Slovakia: International Children's Day and is celebrated on June 1. Children get a free entrance to a zoo and some other attractions.
Sri Lanka: Universal Children's Day is celebrated on the first Sunday in Easter, this day was a holiday because it coincided with Ramazan, a Muslim festival. In Sri Lanka, it is a custom to take children somewhere special on this day. In schools, children are given sweets, and in nurseries and Grades 1 and 2 presents, while at home, various delicacies are made, and presents are given. Some Children's Parks will be free for children on October 1 in Sri Lanka. In 2008, Peter Hayes, the British High Commissioner for Sri Lanka, hosted a party- an event complete with free rides, a magic show and food for over a hundred children from nearby orphanages and from the streets. They were given gifts as well.
Sweden: The International Children's Day is celebrated on the first Monday of October.
Thailand: National Children's Day is celebrated on the second Saturday in January.
Trinidad: Universal Children's Day is celebrated on the 1st Monday in October. It is a day we observe the rights of children and to remind us that children are blessings sent from God.
Turkey: Official discourse in Turkey argues that Children's Day had its origin in Turkey. The Grand National Assembly of Turkey was established on 1920, April 23. Then, Atatürk presented that special day to children as Children's Day. The day is celebrated annually in Turkey. In Turkish, it means "April 23 national sovereignty and children's day".
Ukraine: Children's Day (Ukrainian: "day of child's protection") is celebrated in Ukraine on June 1. It was introduced in Ukraine in 2009.
United Statesof America: In May 2009, International Children's Day was celebrated at the Washington DC National Harborplace Hosted by the Ariel Foundation International and the Ariana-Leilani Children's Foundation.
Uruguay: Children's Day is celebrated on the second Sunday.
Vanuatu: Children's Day is celebrated on the 24th of July
Venezuela: Children's Day is celebrated the third Sunday of July.
Vietnam: Children's Day is celebrated on June 1 as ICD and on the full moon of the 8th lunar month during the Mid-Autumn Festival.
Shocking Facts
India Facts:
· With a population of over 1 billion, India is home to 4oo million children, the largest number in any country in the world.
· One third of the world’s children living in poverty are in India.
ü A staggering 10,000 babies die every single Day from easily preve
ntable causes such as malnutrition and diarrhea.
ü More than 2 million babies die each year before they celebrate their first Birth Day.
ü Every sixth girl-children death is due to gender discrimination, also known as female infanticide.
ü Over 10 million children go to sleep on the pavement each night hungry and unprotected.
ü Over 40% of children live in poverty and extreme hardship.
v Nearly half of India’s children are deprived of their fundamental right to education each day.
v A starting two-thirds of girl-children cannot read or write.
Ø India is home to the largest population of working children in the world with an estimated 111 million children struggling
as child labourers. Most often working in hazardous and degrading conditions, for an average of 12 hours a Day and earning extremely small wages.
Ø The Third largest crime in India after drugs and gun smuggling
is child trafficking – over 45,000 children go missing each year.
Ø Over 2, million children mainly girls aged 5-15, are forced into prostitution and sexual slavery.
Each year 500,000+ children are forced into the sex trade with an annual increase of 10% Children are the future of a nation. Yet they have been neglected a lot in India, which is evident from the existence of infant mortality, child morbidity, child malnutrition, childhood, disability, child abuse, child labour, child prostitution, street children, child beggary, child marriage, juvenile delinquency, drug addition and illiteracy.
Childhood is the time when a person needs nurturing, schooling, time to play and explore the opportunity to grow both emotionally and physically. When a child is forced to work, it hampers his growth, Stunts his psychological and intellectual development, and prevents him from realizing his full potential. Child labour is an unmitigated evil and any society which suffers from it should be grossly ashamed of it.
Child labour and trafficking are just symptoms. They are not the real problem. The problem lies elsewhere. Unless the root problem is countered, mere addressing of the symptom makes the situation immensely worse for the victimized children. In India, children’s vulnerabilities and exposure to violations of their protection rights remain spread and multiple in nature. There is a wide range of issues that adversely impact on children in India, making them especially vulnerable. With such future citizens in large numbers, the future of our country is bleak.
So, on this occasion of Children’s Day, please think, Are we worth celebrating a Children’s Day with the viral existence of such evil practices as child trafficking and child labour in our Society?
Every citizen of the country should wishing of health to another and ensure that children around them are not forced to any sorts of exploitation. Little measures like getting a child educated, teaching children around you, being more active to the happenings around, can make a big distinguish in the current situation & condition of children in India.
We have to remember:-
The best thing to spend on your children is your time.
Children always require guidance and instruction to their elders.
Children need love& affection, especially when they don’t deserve it
The world is as many times new as there are children in our lives.
We worry about what a child will become tomorrow, yet we forget that he is someone today.
Give a little love to child and you will get a great deal back
Children make you want to start life over.
You can learn so many things from children. How much we have patience you have, for occasion/ request.
A characteristic of the normal child is he doesn’t act that way very often.
A child can ask questions that a wise man can’t answer it.
Children are the keys of paradise
Children are the living messages we send to a time we will not see.
Children have more need of models, than of critics.
Your children are not your children.
A child mis-educated is a child lost.
According to Pundit Jawaharlal Nehru wanted every child is special and has tremendous potential to influence development of the environment around him/her. A greatest gift we will ever know is a child, born to love and grow.